CSS Solid

Background color

Background color property sets background color to the HTML element.

Example Description
    background-color:Yellow; color:Black;
Sets background color using CSS class.
h1 {background-color:Yellow;}
Sets background color (Yellow) to all H1 elements.
div { background-color:Blue; }
Sets background color (Blue) to all DIV elements.
Sets background color (Green) to BODY element.
h1,h3,div  {background-color:Yellow;}
Sets background color (Yellow) to multiple elements (H1,H3,DIV).


.bckgrndColor {
    background-color:Yellow; color:Black;

    <title> CSS Background Color</title>

     <style type="text/css">
           .bckgrndColor { background-color:Yellow; color:Black;}
    <h1>Zap Food and Gas</h1>
    <h2>138 First Street, CA 94539</h2>

    <h3 class="bckgrndColor">Our Mission:-</h3>
    <p >The mission of Zap Food and Gas is to offer great food and competitive gas price.</p>

    <h3 class="bckgrndColor">Our Commitment:-</h3>
    <p>Our commitment to serving you as our customer is at the heart of everything we do. It is our purpose to serve you as our customer
    with the highest-quality foodservice products and other services.</p>

