CSS Solid

CSS Selectors

CSS Selectors help to select HTML elements (ex: DIV, P, H1) to apply styles.

CSS selector does the following works.

  • Select the HTML element(s).
  • Apply specified CSS properties.

General CSS selectors diagram


CSS style Meaning
span {

1. Selects all SPAN elements.

2. Apply color and font weight properties to selected SPAN elements.

.group-one {

1. Selects all elements where CSS class (‘group-one’) is attached.

2. Apply color and font size properties to selected elements.

#item-one {

1. Selects element with ID = ‘item-one’.

2. Apply font weight, color and background color properties to selected elements.

div p {

1. Select all P elements under the DIV elements.

2. Apply font weight and color properties to selected elements.

Following table shows different CSS Selectors.

Name Selector Description Example
* Selects all child elements under the parent element. *{color:blue;}
.ClassName Selects specified CSS class (.ClassName) applied elements on the page. .divClass {color:blue;}
#id Selects element which has specified ID (#id) name. #name{color:blue;}
Element Selects elements based on element type. p{color:blue;}
Element1 Element2 Selects all specified descendant child elements (Element2) under the parent element (Element1). div p{color:blue;}
Elemente1 > Element2 Selects all specified immediate child elements (Element2) under the parent element (Element1). div > p{color:blue;}
pseudo-classes Element:link Selects unvisited link elements. a:link{color:blue;}
pseudo-classes Element:visited Selects visited link elements. a:visited{color:yellow;}
pseudo-classes Element:active Selects active link elements. a:active{color:blue;}
pseudo-classes Element:hover Selects element when mouse over it. a:hover{color:green;}
pseudo-classes Element:focus Selects element when focus on it. p:focus{color:blue;}
Element1 + Element2 Selects specified elements (Element2) which are immediate to an adjacent element (Element1). div + p{color: green;}
Element1 ~ Element2 Selects all specified elements (Element2) which are siblings to an adjacent element (Element1). div ~ p {color: green;}
Element[attribute] Selects elements which have specified attribute. a[title] {color: red;}
Element[attribute = value] Selects elements which have specified attribute and attribute value. a[title = “first”]
Element[attribute ~= value Selects elements which have specified attribute and value contains specified word. a[title ~= “first”]
Element[attribute |= value] Selects elements which have specified attribute and attribute value. Attribute value can have exactly equal to specified value or specified value immediately followed by “-“(hyphen). a[title |= “first”]
Element[attribute ^= value] Selects elements which have specified attribute and attribute value starts with specified value. a[title ^= “first”]
Element[attribute $= value] Selects element which have specified attribute and attribute value ends with specified value. a[title $= “link”]
Element[attribute *= value] Selects element which have specified attribute and attribute value contains specified value. a[title *= “section”]